Pre-Conference | 7 September 2021

3 - Policies Driving Sustainable Food Systems

Registration to the OWC is required to participate. You can register for both the OWC2021 and this pre-conference here.

Governments are beginning to recognise the urgent need to transform our food systems. This has been made even more pressing by the current health and economic crisis caused by the COVID pandemic in addition to the already prevalent crises such as food insecurity, climate change and biodiversity loss, all of which our current food systems are major contributors to.

There is a growing number of innovative policy examples around the world however, that try to show a way out of these crises and which are introducing and implementing the principles of organic agriculture and agroecology.

We bring you a comprehensive overview of these policies from all corners of the world presented by the policy makers themselves or experts deeply involved in these. Experiences will be shared about policies that have gone a long way by now such as Sikkim or Denmark and which are brand new like Uganda or Sri Lanka. We will show the driving force of good policies from the regional level in the African and the European Union to the level of municipalities such as New York City, Bogotá and cities and villages in Asia.

The conclusions and messages drawn from the Preconference will not only feed into OWC sessions, but also the Food Systems Summit called by the UN Secretary General for 23 September 2021.

Main Topics:

  • Experiences and challenges in innovative policy making
  • How can policies at the level of districts and municipalities bring positive change for people and food systems
  • Using the power of public contracts and procurement
  • Developing organic and agroecological action plans
  • Building a coalition of the willing and linking it with existing networks
  • Debating policy making that considers the true cost of goods
  • How to mainstream progressive policies on organic and agroecology and highlight them in global processes such as the UN Food Systems Summit


  • Advance the development of policies driving sustainability in agriculture and food systems
  • Facilitate peer-to-peer exchange and strengthen the links among local, national and regional-level policymakers and experts on best practices and experiences
  • Offer hands-on experiences of progressive policy-making for the members of the Food Policy Forum for Change
  • Utilize participants’ experience to provide strong examples and connect to networks in all continents

Expected Outcomes:

  • Insight on success factors and challenges in developing policies conducive for driving sustainable food systems
  • Raising awareness about the Food Policy Forum for Change
  • Best practices, experiences and examples that can feed into the FAO Scaling Up Agroecology Initiative
  • Inspiration for policy makers to join the forum and continue the exchange
  • Messages fed into the main OWC sessions such as Leadership Forum 1 - Policies as levers and best practices in advocacy


  • Digital using the Zoom platform
  • Workshop with presentations, interactive discussions in panels and with the audience

View the Agenda

Key Info

7 September 2021
14:00 - 17:30 CEST


View the Agenda


Online reg. fee: 20€ incl. VAT

Registration Information

IFOAM – Organics International
Xhona Hysa (
Gábor Figeczky (

French and Spanish translations available

Target Audiences:
Policymakers at the local and national levels
Policy experts and champions for sustainable and food systems

This pre-conference is open to participants from around the world. Strong participation from Africa, Asia, and Europe is expected.