
COVID-19 Updates

Latest developments around the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic


Current COVID-19 Measures in France

Because the circulation of the COVID-19 virus and its variants remains active (the figures of the pandemic can be consulted on the website of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control), any entry into France and any exit from our territory is regulated.

Since 9 June 2021, as part of the strategy to reopen French borders and the decree of 7 June 2021, a classification of countries/territories has been defined and regularly updated by the government according to the health situation.

To follow in real time the evolution of the classification of countries/territories established by the French Government, you can regularly consult the France Diplomatie website.

The French authorities require the presentation of a health pass to access the event in Rennes, which consists of the digital or paper presentation of one of the following three proofs:

- Vaccination, provided that people have a complete vaccination schedule, i.e. :

  • 7 days after the 2nd injection for double injection vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca)
  • 4 weeks after the injection for single injection vaccines (Johnson & Johnson)
  • 7 days after injection for vaccines in people with a history of Covid (single injection)

- Proof of a negative test less than 72 hours old (or 48 hours for antigenic tests for travel to certain destinations, such as Corsica, overseas territories and the European Union) for access to the major events concerned and a maximum of 72 hours for health checks at borders, or a supervised self-test which generates proof as soon as the result is entered by the health professional in SI-DEP.
- The result of a positive RT-PCR or antigenic test attesting to the recovery of the Covid-19, dating back at least 11 days and less than 6 months.

More details on the French Government website.

Without a valid health pass, the participant will not be admitted to the event even if he/she presents an entry ticket. The verification of the conformity of the certificate does not allow access to or storage of the participants' medical data.


Current COVID-19 Measures in France

In order to ensure our participants a congress adapted to the sanitary situation, preserving the health of all, the organising committee undertakes to respect the French Sanitary Protocol for Professional Events (congresses and company seminars, fairs and exhibitions). Here is the translated official protocol:


The safety of customers and employees during the Covid-19 crisis is the top priority of the government and all those involved in the trade event industry. The protocol sets out the rules for the gradual reopening of congresses, trade fairs and exhibitions. This protocol is binding on all stakeholders: organisers, venues, service providers, exhibitors and visitors. As regards the rules for consumption on site, it is advisable to refer to the "restaurant" or "catering" protocols, depending on the case.
This protocol focuses on visitor protection measures and the correct application of barrier measures. Concerning the protection of workers, reference should be made to the National Company Protocol (NCP), the provisions of which will be strictly adhered to in order to guarantee their safety. In particular, the wearing of masks is compulsory for all employees under the conditions set out in the PNE.

1. Rules applicable from 19 May to 8 June (phase 1)

From 19 May to 8 June, only type L venues with a seating capacity (congresses and company seminars) can receive the public. In order to guarantee the respect of physical distances, a reinforced gauge is temporarily put in place. This gauge corresponds to 35% of the maximum number of people allowed in type L public reception establishments, as set out in the fire and panic safety regulations.

2. Rules applicable from 9 June to 29 June (phase 2)

Conferences and business seminars (ERP type L) in seated configuration only: capacity of 65% of the ERP workforce and a maximum of 5,000 simultaneous people per facility (sanitary pass mandatory above 1,000 people). Trade fairs and exhibitions (ERP type T): capacity of 50% of the ERP workforce normally accommodated. A maximum of 5,000 visitors can be accommodated simultaneously per exhibition hall.

Only visitors or congress participants are taken into account in the calculation of the capacity and the use of the health pass. Employees of service providers, the site, the organisation, exhibitors and speakers are not taken into account.

The use of the health pass is compulsory above 1,000 visitors/congress members per exhibition hall or congress space at any one time. Fairs are open to professionals and the general public (B2B and B2C formats).

3. Rules applicable from 30 June (phase 3)

As of 30 June, congresses, trade fairs and exhibitions have a capacity of 100% of the ERP capacity.

The use of a health pass is compulsory above 1,000 visitors or congress participants (per exhibition hall for fairs and exhibitions or per space for congresses). Fairs and exhibitions are open to professionals and the general public (B2B and B2C formats).

Only visitors are taken into account when calculating the number of visitors and the use of the health pass. Employees of service providers, the venue, the organisation, exhibitors and speakers are not taken into account.

4. Rules common to all three phases

Hygiene rules

From the age of 11, visitors must wear a mask when moving around indoors and outdoors. Wearing a mask is strongly recommended from the age of 6. The mask must cover the nose, mouth and chin continuously. The mask must be a general public mask with a filtration rate of over 90% or a surgical mask, and in perfect integrity.

Hydro-alcoholic gel must be made available to the public at the entrance and exit of the exhibition halls, including outdoors, and also in the toilets. They must be positioned to ensure that they are actually used by users.

Each professional is responsible for the rules of hygiene for the activity that concerns him. They must ensure the hygiene of the products distributed.

It is strongly recommended to dematerialise catalogues, flyers and others. Any objects handled must be systematically disinfected after each use.

Flow management

The organisation of the flow of the public outside and inside the establishments must make it possible to limit crossings and social interactions.

The installation of the stands and the configuration of the aisles must make it possible to respect social distancing measures and barrier gestures.

The organiser must provide information on attendance and attendance history before and during the event by all means (website, etc.). Where possible, a traffic flow is set up, with a separate entrance and exit. This direction of traffic may be the subject of a traffic plan drawn up by the organiser of the fair or exhibition.

Covid-19 referent

The organiser of the congress, fair or exhibition appoints a "COVID-19" referent in charge of implementing the health protocol for the event for which he is responsible. This referent will be the main contact person in the event of a health inspection or investigation by the health authorities.

Each exhibitor and service provider must also designate a Covid-19 referent for the activity that concerns them.

Encouraging the use of the "Tous-anti-covid" mobile app

Organisers of congresses, fairs and exhibitions must invite visitors to download and activate the "Tous AntiCovid" application when they enter the exhibition hall or the establishment.

Ventilation and cleaning of the premises

Organisers of congresses, trade fairs and exhibitions shall ensure that the usual rules of hygiene are observed, in particular for the cleaning of surfaces and the ventilation of premises.

In particular, the premises should be ventilated by natural or mechanical ventilation in working order, avoiding directing the flow towards visitors and favouring, where possible, ventilation of the room from two separate points (door and window, for example), which should ideally be carried out continuously if conditions permit, at least several minutes every hour.

The measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air should also be encouraged, as soon as establishments are equipped with measuring instruments. This measurement should be carried out at significant points in the traffic flow.