Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Any enquiries or requests for additional information, modifications and cancellations are to be communicated to MCI Registration & Housing.

Registration fees

Early registrations will be accepted until Saturday 15 May 2021, midnight CET.

Should your registration remain unpaid on Saturday 29 May, early registrations will be upgraded to the late registration fee.

As of Sunday 16 May 2021, late registration fees apply for every new registration.

All fees are in Euros and include 10% VAT (view the current foreign exchange rates at www.x-rates.com) and cover participation to the public sessions of the Organic World Congress and associated events, including the opening and closing ceremonies, plenaries and conferences.

An additional 4 Euros (VAT exempt) will be added to the final registration cost. This is to cover for the carbon offsetting and compensation of the environmental impact of the digital event.

Funds will be entirely dedicated to carbon offsetting projects.


These fees cover full access to the public sessions of the Organic World Congress and associated events, including the opening and closing ceremonies, plenaries and conferences, excluding the congress dinner.

This starts on the 7th of September 2021 at 17:00 with the opening ceremony and ends on the 10th of September 2021 at 17:00.


The Organic World Congress will not reimburse registration fees based on inaccurate information and registration profiles.

Insurance and Liability Disclaimer

The OWC2021 organizers and MCI cannot be held liable for the interruption or the cancellation of the event due to Force Majeure (political, social, health or economic events or any other unforeseen incidents beyond their control).

Congress cancellation policies shall apply in all cases. A participant's registration implies acceptance of the cancellation policies.