Side Event | 22 September 2020

General Assembly of INOFO – Intercontinental Network of Organic Farmers Organisations

Every three years, the INOFO General Assembly is held in conjunction with the Organic World Congress (OWC) of IFOAM – Organics International and involves organic farmers, producers, researchers, advocates and policy experts from around the world.

This year the INOFO GA will be hosted at the farmers fair called “La Terre est Notre Métier” in Retiers, next to Rennes - Bretagne (North West of France).

The General Assembly will be held on September 22, 2020 to present the developments within INOFO in the last three years with its structure and processes vis à vis the reform process of IFOAM – Organics International. It also aims to present the new set of Council of Conveners who will further INOFOs mission of uniting organic farmers and support their voices at all levels of food systems development towards producing healthy, nutritious food.

Interesting development, discussion, networking and ways forward awaits all organic farmers, so join us and share your ideas! This time we are trying to accommodate farmers at farmers houses. Local farmers are willing to welcome you and happy to share with you the way of organic French farming. Kindly confirm your participation to us so that we can plan better.

Target audience:
Organic farmers from all over the world, representative of Organic Farmers’ Organizations.

Access: INOFO will organise the transportation for the farmers registered at, or

Key Info

22 September 2020

Farmers’ Fair «La Terre est Notre Métier» in Retiers (F-35240 – Bretagne)

Free - please register at

INOFO website:

English, simultaneous interpretation in French and Spanish foreseen.