Pre-Conference | Cancelled

Symposium on Biodynamic Research – the Farm Organism as a Holistic Approach?

Main Topics:
  • Biodynamic research
  • Farm organisms (ecosystem services, resilience, animals on farms)
  • Smallholder agriculture
  • Promote research in biodynamics and further develop biodynamic agriculture to constructively and sustainably meet the challenges of mankind;
  • Build capacities and network for biodynamic research;
  • Bring together biodynamic researchers from around the world to meet and exchange;
  • Facilitate access to biodynamic research for interested scientists from others fields;
  • Increase visibility of biodynamic research.
Expected Outcomes:
  • Network building for research on (mixed) farms and biodynamics;
  • Platform for exchange between science and practice;
  • Springboard and catalyst for new projects, such as a 2021 biodynamic research conference.
  • Day One: Lectures with presentations and workshops
  • Day Two (optional): Visit to farm in surrounding region
Key Info

This pre-conference has been cancelled.

Jean-Michel Florin
Section for Agriculture, Goetheanum Switzerland

English with French translation

Target Audiences:
Farmers, processors, retailers;
Biodynamic farmers and those interested in biodynamics;
Students and apprentices in agriculture and related fields.