Pre-Conference | 7 September 2021

2 - Publish or Perish – Intensifying and Qualifying Scientific Publication of Organic Agriculture Research

Main Topics:
  • ‘How To’ for scientific publishing in peer-reviewed journals, publication standards, technical procedures, and research marketing
  • Introduction to ISOFAR (International Society on Organic Agriculture Research)
  • Research on organic agriculture

Organic farming systems are dependent on science and research. Plentiful, high-quality published papers are critical for improving organic agriculture across the world. This pre-conference will:

  • Provide a forum for relevant information and the chance to discuss questions in organic agriculture research
  • Raise awareness on the importance of scientific publishing
  • Present the ISOFAR journal, share updates, and develop ideas for collaboration to increase the volume and quality of published papers.
  • Encourage more scientists and other stakeholders to produce and submit relevant, high-quality papers for peer review and publishing in the member journal of ISOFAR, Organic Agriculture
  • Learn how to construct high-quality scientific papers, from the introduction to the conclusion
Expected Outcomes:
  • Strengthened network among scientists working with organic agriculture;
  • Improved skills to strengthen scientific publication activities;
  • Methods for transferring research results to farmers and other stakeholders (dissemination strategies);
  • Complementary, post-OWC paper writing-groups, voluntarily peer-review, webinars for research project design, groups established to utilize the OA journal for a conference
  • Participatory workshop, presentations, follow-up discussions, group work and a plenary session
  • Hybrid format: digital or on-site in Rennes, France
  • Max number of digital participants: unlimited
  • Max number of participants in Rennes: 30 people. Price includes coffee breaks and lunch at the Couvent des Jacobins.
Key Info

7 September 2021
09:00 - 17:30 (CEST)

Hybrid - participate digitally or on-site in Rennes


On-site: 40€ incl. VAT
Online: 20€ incl. VAT
Reduced registration fees thanks to the financial contribution of ISOFAR!
Registration Information

Gerold Rahmann
ISOFAR - International Society of Organic Agriculture Research


Target Audiences:
Scientists from all disciplines currently engaged or interested in research on organic agriculture;

This pre-conference is designed especially for junior researchers to meet senior researchers. Future networking of scientists is a complementary target.