Pre-Conference | 6-7 September 2021

1 - 30 Years of PGS Development: A Root and Branch Appraisal

IFOAM - Organics International, Nature & Progrès and CIRAD are excited to announce this long-awaited international meeting on Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS), which will be held digitally on September 6-7, 2021.

In 2004, IFOAM - Organics International organized, in cooperation with MAELA (Latin American Agroecology Movement), the first international workshop on alternative certification in Torres (Brazil), which brought together initiatives from various continents to discuss the common ground between the various approaches and needs behind alternative certification systems. An important outcome was the birth of 'Participatory Guarantee Systems' as a concept and the creation of an international Task Force on PGS. This Task Force became the permanent IFOAM PGS Committee.

15 years later, this pre-conference will create the opportunity for PGS practitioners and advocates from all over the world to gather once again and take stock of the current PGS development, set new strategies and targets, and define common goals to improve PGS worldwide. Lasting two days, the conference will be built around plenary sessions, thematic sessions and roundtable discussions using participatory methodologies.

While the main language of the conference will be English, we will ensure simultaneous translation into French and Spanish.

Registration to the OWC is required to participate. You can register for both the OWC2021 and this pre-conference here.

  • Diversity:
    • PGS implementation and adaptation in cultural contexts
    • How social and cultural norms impact PGS
    • Marketing approaches
    • PGS benefits
  • Sustainability:
    • Participation, motivation, and strategies for ensuring economic viability of PGS initiatives
    • Government recognition and donor support
    • Benefits and challenges for upscaling PGS
    • Creation of international PGS networks
    • Scope of quality guarantee
  • Innovation:
    • Best practices for technology, knowledge building, and continuous improvement
    • How PGS initiatives are using digital tools to support social innovation
    • PGS strategies for building and managing knowledge and how other areas of concern (i.e. food safety, seed production) are addressed
  • Gather PGS practitioners and advocates from around the world to take stock of current PGS developments
  • Set new PGS strategies and targets
  • Define common goals for improving PGS worldwide
  • Offer a global platform for networking and exchange on PGS
  • A vision for the future development of PGS
  • A global declaration, supported by PGS stakeholders from all over the world, to be adopted during the main conference
  • Renewed dynamism, new contacts, and new ideas among participants
  • Potential new work streams and strategic foresight
  • Event recording – to be made available for open access on the internet and published event proceedings
  • Virtual plenary sessions and thematic break-out discussions
  • Virtual opening plenary sessions with keynote speakers. Focus on: “30 years of PGS”, celebrating what we accomplished and reflecting upon challenges.
  • Unlimited number of participants

Participants will be invited to contribute to the program and suggest different formats and participatory group sessions.

Key Info

6 September 2021
09:00 - 16:00 (CEST)

7 September 2021
13:00 - 17:15 (CEST)

Digital, with an unlimited amount of participants.
Language will be English with simultaneous translation into French and Spanish.

IFOAM - Organics International
PGS Team

Target Audience:
PGS practitioners and advocates
Researchers supporting PGS
Donor organisations supporting PGS

Speakers and Moderators