
Detailed program available here.

Note: This program is subject to change

Download a program overview for the OWC as .pdf here.

Below is an overview of the dates on which the different parts of the program will take place, and where.

Date Event Venue
November 7-8, 2017 Pre-conferences See Pre-conference information below
November 9, 2017 Inauguration* India Exposition Mart, Greater Noida
November 9, 2017 Cultural Evening India Exposition Mart, Greater Noida
November 9-11, 2017 Organic World Congress & Workshops India Exposition Mart, Greater Noida
November 9-11, 2017 Biofach India with India Organic Trade Fair India Exposition Mart, Greater Noida
November 11, 2017 Motion Bazaar India Exposition Mart, Greater Noida
November 12-13, 2017 General Assembly 12th November: Constitution Club of India, New Delhi
13th November: Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, New Delhi

*The Prime Minister of India has been invited to inaugurate the Congress on 9 November 2017

Venue Layout Guides

Download the OWC/India Expo Mart Layout here.

Download the OWC Hall Layout here.


Pre-conferences will take place the day before the official launch of the Organic World Congress 2017 at stipulated places.

In order to apply for a pre-conference, please contact Ms. Sumana Nandi via - +91 8376041125

Food Systems 3.0

IFOAM - Organics International

8 November 2017,
Constitution Club of India, Rafi Marg, Behind Reserve Bank of India, New Delhi, 110001

Register for this pre-conference here.
Deadline: 27 October (we cannot guarantee your seat or food after this date).

Social Compliance Issues in Organic Textile Supply Chains

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)

8 November 2017,
India Habitat Center, Lodhi Estate, Delhi

Accelerating Innovation - The Role of Science, Policy and Practice

Technology Innovation Platform (IFOAM - Organics International)

8 November 2017,
Constitution Club of India, Rafi Marg, Behind Reserve Bank of India, New Delhi, 110001

Register for this event here (compulsory to get your food voucher for the event)

Role of Livestock in Sustainable Agriculture

Organic Animal Husbandry

7-8 November 2017,
National Centre of Organic Farming, Ghaziabad, India

Register for this pre-conferencere here.

INOFO General Assembly

Inter-Continental Network of Organic Farmers Organisations

8 November 2017,
ISI Auditorium, Delhi - Capacity: 150

INOFO General Assembly to discuss progress of previous year and to plan ahead for the upcoming year.

  • Morning sessions for regional networks
  • Introductory round to start plenary sessions
  • Election of chair & vice-chair of Assembly
  • Report from INOFO Council of Convenors 2014 – 2017
  • Strategic decisions for INOFO 2017 - 2020
  • Election of INOFO Council
  • First session of new council of convenors 2017 - 2020

Pre-conference Brochure


Seed and Plant Breeding in Organic Agriculture

IFOAM Seeds Platform

8 November 2017,
Constitution Club of India, Rafi Marg, Behind Reserve Bank of India, New Delhi, 110001

Registration for this event is open here.

Mapping Community Supported Agriculture Initiatives in Asia: Showing the Diversity of Producer-Consumer Partnerships


10.00 - 17.00, 8 November 2017,
Indian Social Institute, 21, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003


Workshops, organized by stakeholders, will be held throughout the Organic World Congress, from November 9th to 11th 2017.

Click here to view the workshop schedule.

© IFOAM - Organics International 2017